Raw brownie: the taste of America

En este momento estás viendo Raw brownie: the taste of America


  • 100 grams of walnuts
  • 25 grams of cocoa powder
  • 50 grams of hazelnuts
  • 15 dates
  • A pinch of vanilla
  • A pinch of salt
  • To sprinkle on top
  • 1 tablespoon cocoa powder
  • 1 tablespoon of mesquite powder


  1. For this recipe, the ideal is to activate and dehydrate the nuts. To do this, soak the walnuts and hazelnuts overnight, then drain, wash and dehydrate them until they are very crunchy.
  2. Once this is done, process the walnuts with the cocoa, vanilla, salt and dates until you obtain a paste with a moldable consistency.
  3. Chop the hazelnuts a little, but only lightly, so that some pieces remain, and add them to the paste.
  4. Form the mixture into a large square mould at least 2-3 cm high.
  5. Cut the mixture into rectangular or square portions.
  6. Mix the cocoa with the mesquite powder, sprinkle this mixture on top and it’s edible!


  • With nuts, the ideal is to do the soaking and dehydration process, but you can also do just the soaking and skip the dehydration. The difference is that the cake will be moister if you don’t dehydrate the nuts.
  • A quicker alternative is to use the nuts as is, raw or roasted.
  • Mesquite is a white carob from the Americas. It is available in powdered form. If you don’t have mesquite, you can also use carob powder. The idea is that the cocoa has a lighter and smoother flavor, which can be achieved with traditional carob and mesquite powder.
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