Fake hummus

En este momento estás viendo Fake hummus

Hummus is that kind of cream that has so much presence in Lebanese cuisine. Its smoky flavor is characteristic, well, MollyMelon from the Falsarius forum has managed to embroider it and brings us a recipe of the most succulent and original.


  • A large jar of cooked chickpeas, (1kg approx.) with its liquid and all.
  • Half a glass of lemon juice.
  • Salt.
  • Olive oil, about three spoonfuls.
  • 3 cloves of peeled garlic.


  1. Well, we begin. In the hypothetical case that we want to use the sesame oil around the house we can do it. The first thing to do is to open the jar of chickpeas and place it in a blender glass.
  2. We add the rest of the elements to the same place. We use the mixer until we get a consistent cream, not thick. Normally it is served as a pâté, that is toasts make a good accompaniment.
  3. The crudités or bagels, those kosher buns that can be found more and more in Spain, are also perfect. What’s more, a bagel with hummus is a great protein breakfast.
  4. The taste of chickpea cream takes away the smoky flavor so characteristic of the dish in Lebanese restaurants, but we must be aware that the price of making this cream will not be the same as the one we will be charged in the aforementioned place.
  5. We also recommend this recipe for children, as they hate chickpeas, in many cases, you can choose to present them this cream disguised in another dish. The success will be guaranteed.
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