Potato stuffed peppers

En este momento estás viendo Potato stuffed peppers

Today we bring you a simple and economical recipe. As we do these days, we opt for a simpler cuisine and accessible to all budgets. Let’s beat the crisis with these peppers stuffed with potato.


  • 12 piquillo peppers (canned).
  • 5 potatoes
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 bowl of flour
  • Beaten egg
  • Tomato sauce
  • Salt
  • Oil


  1. We peel the potatoes, proving that they are new potatoes to cook, and put them in a pan and cut them into small cubes. We want them to be soft and not fried.
  2. We beat the two eggs with the salt until it thickens a little. Add the well-drained potatoes to the egg and squeeze it, it should be like a puree. It would also be ideal to add a little black pepper to this mixture.
  3. Take the peppers and stuff them with this mixture. Once stuffed, dredge them in flour, beaten egg and breadcrumbs. Fry them in very hot oil and when they are golden brown, put them on a plate with kitchen paper.
  4. It would be interesting to prepare a tomato sauce to accompany this delicacy. You can also put them on a thin slice of bread and make a skewer. The garnish can be as varied as your imagination allows.
  5. Accompany it with red wine or txacolí, especially since this pintxo is quite common in some bars in northern Spain. A cheap, vegetarian and delicious dish.
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