Rye and chocolate cookies

En este momento estás viendo Rye and chocolate cookies


  • Quality dark chocolate 225 g
  • Egg L2
  • Unsalted butter 25 g
  • Brown sugar 150 g
  • Vanilla sugar or vanilla essence 4 g
  • Rye flour 75 g
  • Salt 2 g
  • Baking powder 2 g


  1. Put the chocolate and butter in a bowl in a bain-marie and heat over low heat. Stir with a spatula until melted and creamy. Let the mixture cool slightly. Sift the rye flour into a bowl with the baking powder and salt.
  2. Put the eggs with a few tablespoons of brown sugar in another larger bowl and start beating with a mixer. Gradually add the rest of the sugar and beat until the mixture thickens. Add the chocolate, beat, add the flour and mix until smooth and very smooth. Cover with plastic wrap and refrigerate for at least 30 minutes.
  3. Preheat the oven to 160°C and prepare two molds. With a spoon, scoop about 15 ml of the dough in equal portions and form round cookies, leaving a space of a few centimeters between each cookie. With wet fingers, round them and flatten them slightly. Bake the cookies for about 8-11 minutes until firm to the touch.
  4. Wait a few minutes after baking before letting them cool completely on a wire rack.
  5. What can I accompany the centeo chocolate cookies with?
  6. The deep chocolate aroma coming out of the oven in these chocolate centeo rye cookies makes it hard to wait to eat them until they have cooled. They taste delicious with coffee or a nice cold glass of milk. They keep well in an airtight container, although the texture becomes drier as the days go by.

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