Thai Thasmine Rice

En este momento estás viendo Thai Thasmine Rice

Thasmin rice is one of the most commonly used varieties in Thai cuisine, called Thai by the new gastronomic trends. It is a long grain rice, with little starch, which ends up being dry and is often used in salads. Even so, there are multiple ways to prepare it. Here we show you one related to the cuisine of this part of Asia. Strongly spiced and perfumed.


  • One cup of rice thasmïn
  • One onion
  • Lemon grass
  • Lime peel
  • Vegetable broth
  • Olive oil
  • Cilantro, ginger and cumin


  1. Rinse the rice thasmïn well and reserve it in a colander until it becomes transparent. Then heat the oil in the frying pan, adding the onion, the chopped lemon grass stalk and the lime zest until it fries.
  2. This is the moment to add the rice and stir it for a few seconds over the bottom of the pan. Add a little broth, lower the heat and let it cook. When you see that it is getting dry, add more broth. This whole process will take about half an hour.
  3. The next step will be the spicing. Add to the rice a good amount of chopped coriander, grated ginger and cumin seeds (or cumin powder, if you don’t have any).
  4. Let the flavors amalgamate, leaving the rice to rest for a few more minutes before serving. It’s simple and a totally wild alternative to making something as simple as a rice dish.

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