Waldorf salad

En este momento estás viendo Waldorf salad


  • Lettuce, quantity and type according to taste. For this recipe, I like curly broad-leaf lettuce, for example, Batavia lettuce or similar.
  • 1 green apple, ideally Granny Smith type.
  • 2-3 stalks of celery.
  • 30 g shelled walnuts.
  • 30 g cranberries or sultanas.
  • 60 g mayonnaise. If you want to make it yourself, follow our homemade mayonnaise recipe.
  • 1 tablespoon of French mustard (optional).


  1. Toast the walnuts in a frying pan over medium heat. Stir them to brown on all sides, this will take about 5 minutes.
  2. If you are going to make the mayonnaise yourself, now is the time to do it. Once it is ready, or if you use a ready-made mayonnaise, mix it with mustard if you like the spicy note it brings, and I also recommend testing the mixture to add more mustard or mayonnaise according to your taste.
  3. Wash the lettuce leaves with cold water and let them dry in a colander.
  4. Peel the apple, remove the core and cut into squares.
  5. Wash the celery stalks and cut them into small strips.
  6. Put the mayonnaise in a bowl with the apple, celery, walnuts (reserve some to decorate at the end) and cranberries and mix well.
  7. On the plate where you are going to serve the salad, place a bed of lettuce and in the center of it pour the mixture of ingredients that we have prepared.
  8. Finally, sprinkle with the reserved walnuts.
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Serve and taste:

This is an ideal salad to prepare and serve at the same time, as it takes very little time to assemble. If you want to prepare it a few hours in advance, you can leave everything ready but do not assemble the salad, that is, do not dress it with the rest of the ingredients. However, keep the salad in the refrigerator because it contains mayonnaise.
The presentation and the mix of ingredients are very original and, above all, combine perfectly. Enjoy this salad with real … Scandal!

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